Wednesday, September 23, 2009

300 work post

The kind of communicator I am is one that does not like to talk for a long times and one that doesn’t a lot. I do not use facebook, myspace, or any of that other online communication sites. I don’t really text that much I only use it when I have to. I would rather actually talk to someone no type to them.

For me it’s easier to talk about certain this like how my uncle and I talk about boat racing and how we can get the boat fast for the next race or what we need to do for the next race. The things I talk about when I’m with my friends are just kind of random things like sports, games, TV shows or movies we’ve seen. I have a cell phone but I never really use it at all.

I talk to my friends differently than I don’t with my family with my expression the works I use and the way I say things. I think I am a better listener that I am a talker because I don’t really like to talk about stuff I don’t know about or stuff I don’t like and I remember more things I’ve hear that things I’ve said. I don’t like doing presentations that much because I don’t like talking in front of big crowds that much.

I also don’t like talking to a bunch of people I don’t know at the same time or going somewhere where that’s a lot of people and I don’t know anybody and I think that the things I like to talk about and the people I talk to really do reflect on what kind of communicator I am.

Friday, September 18, 2009

School design

The school that I thought has 4 floors and an outside area. The outside area has a basketball court, a football field, a bigger student parking area so you don’t have to wait so long to get out, it also has a lake with a beach and you can eat out side by the beach, a food court, and a track. The first floor has a computer lab, four bathrooms, bigger hallways so they don’t get so crowded, a theater an elevator to get to the second third or fourth floor, a student store, stairs to get to the first second third or fourth floors, it has engine classes, and wood shop classes. The second floor has four bath rooms, a math hall, a language arts hall, a social studies hall, some bigger hallways so they don’t get crowded, a teacher’s lounge, a lunch room, an elevator to get to the first second on fourth floors, stairs to get to the first second and fourth floors, an art class, a culinary class, and a tech lab.

The third floor has all five gyms in the school and the reason theirs five gym is so there can be more gym classes, two lunch rooms, four bath rooms, and there is an elevator and stairs to get to the first second and fourth floor. The Fourth floor has a library, a study hall with a computer lab in it, four bathrooms, and elevator and stair. The rooms at the school are bigger and the teachers and the students act more like friends.