Friday, December 11, 2009

Five day thanks giving break

On the first day of the five day break I am probably going to play modern warfare 2 and Fonza 3 for the Xbox 360 then help my sister make some pies like apple pie, peacon pie, and sweat potato pie. Then I will watch TV and then play some more Xbox till I go to bed at around 10:30. Then on Thanksgiving I will go to my aunt’s house in Farmington and we will have a delicious thanksgiving dinner with lots of family.

For are Thanksgiving dinner I will probably have mashed potato’s, turkey, stuffing, and a bisect. Then for desert I will have some chocolate pie and some cake. Then after dinner we will watch some old home movies and look at some pictures.

Then after all that we will sit around and talk a little bit until about 10:30 then we will go home. On the third day of the five day break I will just take it easy and just kind of site around all day. Then on the fourth day of the five day break I will probably go to my cousins has and hang out there for the day. Then when I get home I’ll probably play some Fonza 3 for an hour then play modern warfare 2 for a few hour or more.

Then eat dinner and try to enjoy the rest of the breakthat I still have by watching TV then going going to my room to read and then go to bed.

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